The National Programme on Conservation and Utilization of Microbial Genetic Resources and Invertebrates of Agricultural Importance

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List of Collections
Collection of Plant Pathogenic Viruses (VURV–V) - VI
Collection of Phytopathogenic and Agriculturally Beneficial Bacteria (VURV–B) - BA
Collection of Agriculturally Important Fungi (VURV–F) - FU
Collection of Soil Bacteria (VURV–R) - BA
Collection of Biotrophic Fungi (VURV–A) - FU
Collection of Invertebrate Crop Pests (VURV–E) - AN
Breeding Collections of Storage Insects and Mites (VURV–S) - AN
Collection of Edible and Medicinal Macromycetes (VURV–M) - FU
Collection of Potato Viruses (VIRUBRA) - VI
Collection of Fruit Trees Viruses (CFVS) - VI
Collection of Ornamental Plant Viruses (SVOR) - VI
Collection of Animal Pathogenic Microorganisms (CAPM) - VI, (CAPM) - BA
Culture Collection of Dairy Microorganisms Laktoflora® (CCDM) - FU, (CCDM) - BA
Collection of Brewery Microorganisms (RIBM) - FU, (RIBM) - BA
Collection of Industrially Utilizable Microorganisms (RIFIS) - FU, (RIFIS) - BA
Collection of Phytopathogenic Microorganisms PUOC (UPOC-VIR-FLO) - VI, (UPOC-FUN) - FU, (UPOC-ALG-CYA) - AL
Culture Collection of Basidiomycetes (CCBAS) - FU
Collection of Hop Pathogens (SPCH) - VI, (SPCH) - FU
Culture Collection of Fungi (CCF) - FU
Czech Collection of Phytopathogenic Oomycetes (CCPO) - FU
Culture Collection of Dairy and Bakery Contaminants (CCDBC) - BA, (CCDBC) - FU,
Czech Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) - BA, (CCM) - FU